Shared Values — a cause and an action.


The Hunger Project

The Hunger Project: Website link

The Hunger Project: Website link

Mission: To end hunger and poverty by pioneering sustainable, grassroots, women-centered strategies and advocating for their widespread adoption in countries throughout the world. 

About: The Hunger Project is a global movement of individuals and organizations in 22 countries worldwide working in partnership for the sustainable end of hunger. Our programs throughout Africa, South Asia and Latin America are based on an innovative, holistic approach, which empowers women and men living in rural villages to become the agents of their own development and make sustainable progress in overcoming hunger and poverty. While adapted to meet local challenges and opportunities wherever we work, all of our programs have these three essential elements at their foundation:

1. Start with Women: Empowering women as key change agents.
2. Mobilize Everyone: Mobilizing clusters of rural communities for self-reliant action.
3. Engage Government: Forging effective partnerships with local government.

Partner Since: 2016

Founders (year established): John Denver, Werner Erhard, Bob Fuller, Joan Holmes, Dana Meadows and Roy Prosterman (1977)


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