Social Sector Partner Review Schedule
ServiceCorps Fellowship Feedback Overview
For our 2016-17 ServiceCorps Fellowship, we are pleased to announce our Social Sector Partner Review Schedule. This routine check-in is designed to provide our team with feedback for each of our Fellows placements during the year. The objective of this feedback is to help us gauge the satisfaction level of our Social Sector Partners and to understand the impact that each of our Fellows provide. In addition, we would like to use these check-ins for updates on any issues associated with the placement, which will in turn allow us to troubleshoot when appropriate. Ultimately, this feedback is critical to improving the overall impact of our Fellows and our placement capacity.
The Review Schedule includes each of the following:
- Pre-Placement "Drop-in":
- Action:
- Representative(s) from The ServiceCorps Team will meet (either in-person or over-the-phone) with Representative(s) from each Social Sector Partner
- Meeting Objective(s):
- Formal introduction of The ServiceCorps Team and Social Sector Partner Key Contacts
- Learn more about Social Sector Partner and to review outstanding questions from the MOU (Memorandum of Understanding)
- Discuss Social Sector Partners existing HR support and Performance Review Process. How can ServiceCorps help you manage your Fellow?
- Review Terms and Conditions in MOU (including vacation and FLSA compliance for the 40 hour work week)
- Social Sector Partners ask outstanding questions and shares feedback
- Update on Service Leadership Institute
- Action:
- Mid-Year Check-In:
- Action:
- Representative(s) from The ServiceCorps Team will meet (either in-person or over-the-phone) with Representative(s) from each Social Sector Partner
- Meeting Objective(s):
- The ServiceCorps Team to connect with Key Contacts from each Social Sector Partner in order to understand more in-depth about the first half of the placement
- Opportunity for Social Sector Partners to give feedback on the overall placement experience
- Opportunity for the The ServiceCorps Team to understand plans for each of Fellows placement during the second half of the year
- To gauge how each Fellow has impacted their placement organization
- Understanding how The ServiceCorps Team can help make the Fellow as impactful as possible for the rest of their placement
- Action:
- End of Year Review:
- Action:
- Representative(s) from The ServiceCorps Team will meet (either in-person or over-the-phone) with Representative(s) from each Social Sector Partner
- Meeting Objective(s):
- The ServiceCorps Team to connect with Key Contacts from each Social Sector Partner in order to understand more in-depth about how the second half of the placement went
- Opportunity for Fellow Managers to give feedback on the overall placement experience
- Opportunity for the The ServiceCorps Team to understand how we can better prepare our next cohort of Fellows to be impactful during their placements
- To gauge how each Fellow has impacted their placement organization
- Understanding how The ServiceCorps Team can help make future Fellows even more impactful in the future
- Action:
- Surveys:
- Action:
- Surveys will be issued by The ServiceCorps Team every four to six weeks to be filled out by Social Sector Partner Representative(s)
- Survey Objective(s):
- On boarding Survey (Survey 1):
- Why did your organization decide to host a ServiceCorps Fellow?
- Feedback on the "Mutual Match" process
- How we can improve the on boarding process next year
- Expectations for Fellow placement for the year
- Ongoing Survey (Survey 2 - Survey 9):
- Fellow performance
- Fellow growth and development
- Fellow "fit" with your organization
- Comments and/or concerns with Fellow placement
- Outstanding questions for The ServiceCorps Team to address
- Exit Survey (Survey 10):
- Fellow growth and development
- Impact that the Fellow had during the year at your organization
- Satisfaction level of hosting the Fellow
- Feedback for the year
- Areas for improvement during the next fellowship year
- On boarding Survey (Survey 1):
- Action:
Social Sector Partner Review Schedule
SSP Review Schedule
Survey 1 & SSP Drop-In
Survey 2
Survey 3
Survey 4
Survey 5 & Mid-Year Check-In
Survey 6
Survey 7
Survey 8
Survey 9
Survey 10 & End Of Year Review
Time Between Reviews
(4 weeks in between)
(6 weeks in between)
(6 weeks in between)
(6 weeks in between)
(6 weeks in between)
(6 weeks in between)
(6 weeks in between)
(6 weeks in between)
(4 weeks in between)
July 4th, 2016
August 1st, 2016
September 12th, 2016
October 24th, 2016
December 5th, 2016
January 16th, 2017
February 27th, 2017
April 10th, 2017
May 22nd, 2017
June 19th, 2017
Survey Link
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